A forensic account of what goes on for the lone hearing-impaired person at a dinner party.
Reading Red and not feeling so blue
If Red Symons’ reply to Deaf Victoria’s complaints about comments on interpreters on television is anything to go by, there’s just a little more understanding of why they are sometimes there. Ask hearing people about sign language, and they reply in much the same way – they love it. Some think it is beautiful, and […]
What did that prawn really mean?
In the end, not all that much, other than perhaps a cautionary tale of failing to understand your market. This is the advertising poster placed by the audiological services firm, Victorian Hearing, at the end of May 2015. It shows a startling picture of a profile of a woman with a prawn perched […]
“Mum, the dog ate my brain-development device.”
Two posters, ostensibly linked to deafness, follow the attention-grabbing tactic of advertising. Both get it completely wrong